Article Writing Homework Help

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Trends in Prescription Drug Use among the US Teens. It needs to be at least 4250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Trends in Prescription Drug Use among the US Teens. It needs to be at least 4250 words. Prescription drug intends to heal not to harm. it seeks to bring hope not despair. it aspires to improve people’s quality of life not to blight. it endeavors to sustain life not to terminate. But despite these noble intentions, there are individuals who misuse and abuse this prescribed drug negating its very purpose for humanity. This decadent act, which in today’s modern world is increasingly manifesting among U.S teens and which, also labeled them the “Generation RX (Teen Drug Abuse [TDA]. 2005, p. 1)” – is called prescription drug abuse.

Based on Garrett’s (2005) definition, prescription drug abuse (PDA) may be understood as the unprincipled, immoral, illegal, and excessive use of prescription medications usually of the sedative and narcotic classes causing detriment to the health and safety of the user. (p. 5) From this, it could be construed that taking prescription medications without authentic doctor’s prescription is essentially PDA, the more if it is consumed for non-medication, but instead to get high.

Undeniably, any drug, even marijuana for that matter, when used properly as medication, could result in wonders in improving human conditions. This spectacle has continually been positively affecting people’s lives – Since its discovery, prescription drugs have unceasingly creating miracles making surgeries possible, easing pains for millions of people, keeping in check symptoms of chronic medical conditions to control their symptoms, and helping the afflicted to regain productive lives. (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services [USDHHS], 2004, p. 1). However, varied researches such as those conducted by different government agencies like the National Drug Control Policy (NDCP), National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC), National Institute&nbsp.on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

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