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Need an research paper on fashion consumer behavior. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on fashion consumer behavior. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. They are of the view that fashion is not a long-lasting entity and hence it should be treated as such because it wears out with the passage of time. The consumers are thus looking at plugging the gaps that have arisen within the short term, and not completely relying on what they need for the long term suiting needs as concerns to their attire, their bodies and so on. The fashion consumers are very image conscious and therefore try their best to remain in line with the growing needs of the time. They have a competitive rivalry with the peers that they hang out with and thus want to look at their very best on a day to day basis. Hence such consumers usually manifest both spending patterns as well as time to find out the best possible attire, jewelry and accessories so that they can remain one step ahead of the people in the related societal domains.

The fashion-conscious consumers are usually tempted to see clothing and accessories when the same are donned by their favorite celebrities on different media forms and hence it is their urge to look like them and be a class of their own. It is their temptation to look different yet in a way have a distinctive class which makes them look unique. They want to be felt as the most fashion-conscious teenagers around and hence the reason that they adopt fashion which is extraordinary yet classy, at the same time. The celebrities play a very important role in highlighting the exact link as concerns to consumer behavior and especially when these consumers are young adults and teenagers. It gives them the outlet to express their own selves in a way that is closely associated with the celebrities and hence asks of them to look like them, yet in a way different from others instantaneously. Consumer behavior of such teenagers is therefore on the change always and it makes them look and feel very different on nearly all occasions. There is a need to comprehend the fact that consumer behavior understandings of the youth are&nbsp.the most difficult to manage since these are always changing for one reason or the other.

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