Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on response to analyze the issues that are linked to the ambulance ramping Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on response to analyze the issues that are linked to the ambulance ramping Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The phenomenon of ambulance ramping is present for a long time in the environment. Currently however, there have been a lot of articles that have been raising awareness on this issue. It has been observed that the hospitals are being forced to take solutions that are temporary in nature and therefore, a long term solution is in need that requires considering issues like ramping and the overcrowding of ED. While considering this issue, the cost of ambulance along with the response times as well as the outcomes that can be expected from the patients must be measured. BACKGROUND Information from various sources has confirmed that the SDEDCN, more specifically, the Southern Districts Emergency Department Clinical Network, has a total of 10 emergency departments (EDs). In the previous days, due to the presence of a high demand in the services of ED, second hand account has stated that hospitals ramp ambulance patients are not being admitted safely into the hospitals since there is a shortage of physical space, medical staff, as well as the nurses. As far as ambulance ramping is concerned, here it is referred to as the situation in which the patient stays within the ambulance stretcher along with the paramedics. As for the research in ambulance ramping, little amount of studies is available but overcrowding and diversions in the EDs are well documented. Since ambulance ramping is the reason of an overcrowded ED, the statements from the SDEDCN as well as ED state that ambulance ramping has increased to a great extent (Sloan, Callahan, Duda, Sheaff, Robin, Barrett, 1989. 1990) Over the last 20 years, the problem of overcrowding has increased significantly. In earlier studies, the causes of overcrowding were attached to the inappropriateness of the attendees, which means these are the type of patients that are best managed by the practitioners that are general in nature (Liggins, 1993. Sempere, Peiro, Sendra, Martinez, Lopez, 2001). Now however, the cause of overcrowding is directly linked to the hospital access blocks. This occurs mainly due to a decrease in the hospital beds and their insufficiency (Gallagher and Lynn, 1990). While the overall number of beds in the country has been reduced, it has also been observed that the patients’ conditions regarding acuity as well as complexity have directly affected the time patients spend in the hospitals, thus increasing the time of stay in the EDs. This condition also leads to an increase in the burden on the health services (Derlet & Richards, 2000). Therefore, the issue of overcrowding as well as the access block has had a lot of effect over the emergency services as well as the EDs. The effects, therefore detrimental in nature, have also been recorded and explored in the context of the patients’ quantity. Other than that, the presence of over crowding as well as other related problems makes the control of viral and infection control very difficult, thereby increasing the chances of medical errors and decreasing the satisfaction level of the patients to a great extent.

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