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Create a 4 pages page paper that discusses live theatrical professional performance.

Create a 4 pages page paper that discusses live theatrical professional performance. That too at a podium designed for all. young, old, abled or a little less of it!

I visited the festival on the 15th of July, the very first day of the performance when the actors are all totally charged to leave no stone unturned for their first act on the stage. I went a little before time to enjoy the ambience of the festival. . The park with its slides and the fountain at the pillar in the centre of the lawn was quite inviting. You see kiddos running around with faces painted of flowers and butterflies, the hustle bustle at the stage of the last minute setting of properties and checking lights and sound. The pillar with the four faces of the laughing beast facing each direction only went on to call One and All further.

Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s popular works, is also his longest play with its innumerous soliloquies as also one of his most influential tragedies in English literature. Hamlet was presented by Globe Players, now in its sixth year. What we saw on stage, was the cumulative effort of six weeks of intensive training program. All of 15-18 in age, these teenagers assumed such seasoned roles with grit and an endearing innocence. Kentucky Shakespeare Festival veteran Matt Wallace directed the play having to his tune Patrick Zakem playing the title role of Hamlet, Christina Sauer as his mother Gertrude, Collin Sage as the vicious Uncle Claudius, Courtney Hardesty as the vulnerable Ophelia, Collin Jones as Polonious, Mitchell Martin as the faithful friend Horatio, and Ryan Burch as the misled brother and son Laertes.

Many in the audience must have been first timers for Shakespeare. The intensive Victorian language that he employs is considered too cerebral.

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