Article Writing Homework Help

I need an article from The Wall Street Journal that has something to do with describing the workings of a market economy. I need this done tomorrow by 11:50am !!!!  THE ARTICLE HAS TO DO SOMETHING WIT

I need an article from The Wall Street Journal that has something to do with describing the workings of a market economy. I need this done tomorrow by 11:50am !!!!  THE ARTICLE HAS TO DO SOMETHING WITH DESCRIBING THE WORKINGS OF A MARKET ECONOMY.

•It has to be typed exactly how it says in the attachment.  

•4-5 paragraphs 

• The date of publication, name of publication, the title of the summary article, the author of the article must be included and in the top center of the page

• A copy of the original article must be attached also (the link will do so I can print it out myself)

•Must be an article from THE WALL STREET JOURNAL!!!!

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