Article Writing Homework Help

Write a 8 pages paper on business in context lolo. In the future also, this media is expected to play a vital role in its operation. The present business tactic adopted by them is the business to busi

Write a 8 pages paper on business in context lolo. In the future also, this media is expected to play a vital role in its operation. The present business tactic adopted by them is the business to business model. E-business in Qatar Airways has improved gradually and has enhanced their marketing strategies, the marketing mix and also the investment opportunities. The suppliers’ power can also be further improved using the E-business. Besides, it will also help them to evolve better strategies to counter the threat from competitors as well as new entrants in the field. Oracle is the business suite adopted by Qatar Airways to improve its business.

During the early years, business operations in Qatar Airways were done manually and there was no role for internet in its business. They have considered E-business as a very risky venture that was difficult and thus avoided its use in business. However, in the recent years they have changed their policy and adopted E-business strategies. Oracle business suite is the platform Qatar Airways adopted as a part of its expansion programme.

Supplier power: Presently the supplier power is enhanced in Qatar Airways by the use of internet. In the future Internet will also make it possible for them to produces new and alternative suppliers using search engine technology. “The internet is also producing new and alternative suppliers of search engine technology.” (Doganis 2001, p.177).

Threat of new entrants: Using the internet applications in its business Qatar Airways can through the web itself understand the business of its competitors and analyze which of the market players are likely to pos a threat to their operations. They have been doing this research in detecting their competitors. This internet application is of high utility both in the present and the future days to Qatar Airways. New entrants can be identified through the advertising.

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