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Need an research paper on regal movie theaters (marketing research). Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on regal movie theaters (marketing research). Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. Busiest days for movie theatres Holidays – National, specific or even few declared based on any freshly created situation. Thanksgiving dinner,New Years Eve but some might be slow like Halloween night or super bowl Sunday.

Weekends – People are free from their routine work and spare time for leisure and entertainment. Sundays are not as busy as Saturdays.

Friday and Saturday evenings – Weekends and this point might seem similar but Friday being a weekday, but marking the start of the weekend is busy. Saturday is obviously the busiest as people have the next day to relax and take rest after a fun filled Saturday.

Premier days – the day when movie releases is busy. Most of the states it releases on a Friday which are anyways busy, but there are few films which release on Thursdays which make them busy.

Re release days – some old movies are sometimes re released and are screened for a limited period of time. Hence it is busy as people have got few chances to catch the movie which was released years ago, and relive that time/era.

Busiest time for movie theatres

6pm onwards – it’s only after people finish their work, generally between 9am to 5pm they plan to catch a movie. There are people who finish late, go home for dinner and catch a late night movie. Hence post 6pm the theatres are crowded as compared to any other time of the day.

Motivating people go enter in non busy times

There can be many strategies based on price strategy (giving discounts), privacy (giving priority seats with no body near you) or even family attraction deals (a form of discounting like 3 for 2 or 4 for 2).

Discounts: Selling tickets cheaper during non peak times to attract price sensitive customers.

Privacy: Give couple seats which are not surrounded by people. And don’t allocate seats near them to anyone allowing letting them have a sense of privacy. Through this may lead to issues of nuisance that might happen with dodgy couples which remains to be tackled.

Family deals: there are grand parents who might want to take their grand children out for a movie. Couples sometimes take leave from work for half a day work and can spend the rest of the half in a movie theatre taking benefit of this scheme.

Average ticket prices

Average tickets prices are shown in the table below





Early bird (discount for first matinee show of the day)


Yes (A. M Cinema)


Discount Tuesdays

Yes (day price and theatre different in each state/city)



Family time Mondays




Seniors day Mondays


Yes (Tuesdays)


Student Thursdays




$2 candy Mondays


Yes (all day general scheme)


$2 popcorn Tuesdays


Similar free refill offer


Extra points for select movies




Saturday evening

Adult $9.50

Child $7

Senior $6.50

Adult $9.50

Child $6

Senior $6.50

Monday evening


Adult $9.00

Child $6

Senior $5

Saturday evening 3D

Adult $13

Child $10.50

Senior $10.00

Adult $13.50

Child $10.25

Senior $10.25

Student $11.75

Monday evening


Adult $13

Child $10.25

Senior $9.75

Student $11.75

Tickets of Regal movie theatres are fairly priced as compared to its competitors. It’s slightly cheaper in few and slightly dearer in few. Regal movies do not believe in giving differential pricing between weekends and weekdays which they can try to create a market pull for weekdays.

Regal’s position as compared to competitors

Regal is trying to give almost everything right form discounts, family schemes, cheap pop corns and candies to card points at a reasonable price. This is hitting their bottom line hard and there seems to be a scope of either increasing the prices or modifying the scheme to get more benefit out of it.

Impact of IMAX and 3D movies in overall industry

It does not need any numbers or expert comments when it comes to gauge the success IMAX and 3D movies have had in recent time. Attendance and ticket sales are two major factors with which the industry measures its success or failures. In 2010 the attendance was down by 5.25% which might be considered as a devastating drop but thanks to the revenue from 3D films that gave the industry $10.5 Billion dollar ticket sales. The extra prices for 3D movies charged by theatres are beneficial to them. Prices might be even higher for 3D IMAX films. IMAX saw its revenue doubling to $546 Million in 2010 and is showing no sign of slowing down for coming many years.


Sparge M., ‘Pros and cons of working in a movie theatre’. Web. 23 January 09

Greif R. ‘Measuring the 3D Film Revolution: Understanding the Impact of New Technology on Movie Theater Visitation’. Opinion Dynamics corporation white paper 2005

Mastracci F, ‘To 3D or not to 3D, that is the question’.1 Feb 2011. Web.

Tuttle B, ‘IMAX looks recession proof, Doubles revenues in 2010’ 31 Jan 2011. Web.


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