Article Writing Homework Help

I will pay for the following article Multicultaralism. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Multicultaralism. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The various literary works analyzed in the later sections of this essay discusses the socio-political concept of multiculturalism as described by Samuel Selvon in The Lonely Londoners, and Hanif Kureishi in The Rainbow Sign and The Beautiful Launderette. This substantiates the fact that individuals from multicultural backgrounds, including the author himself, desperately crave for secure roots that secures them a place, a notion or a cultural identity of their own. The author’s narratives which take him back to a country of his origin is an attempt to forge a relationship with a land although alien to him secures him a root of his cultural origins thus giving him a sense of belonging and identity which is somehow lost in the multicultural milieu of his migrant country. The book ‘The Lonely Londoners’ by Sam Selvon, is based on the lives and journey of colored immigrants who migrated to the British Isles from West Indies in search of wealth and prosperity. It goes on to describe how the various characters in the story were exposed to racist remarks and discriminatory behavior at the hands of the locals. The story is told in creolized English to give an immigrant flavor to it. The apparent references to the color of these migrants who belong to a host of countries including Jamaica, Nigeria, and Trinidad suggest the discrimination of people belonging alien origins whereby the ‘blacks’ were often paid lower wages on account of their color – an obvious form of racial discrimination.

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