Article Writing Homework Help

Compose a 2750 words assignment on s.g. cowen: new recruits. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 2750 words assignment on s.g. cowen: new recruits. Needs to be plagiarism free! According to Hirschman, “interviewing is a high-stakes game: You spend an hour with each of a dozen potential job applicants, make a choice, then roll the dice and take your chances. Choose the wrong candidate and your organization could pay the price for months or even years to come” (Hirschman 1).

It will also review the concept of core school strategy followed by the company and also the effectiveness of the presence of company officials on campus for initial screening and elimination. The concept of the Super Saturday selection plan will also be reviewed in the process. The selection process at S G Cowen involves a series of steps that will eliminate candidates until the best of talent is identified. Pfeffer and Veiga provide seven guidelines for effective HR management and selective hiring of candidates is one of them (Pfeffer & Veiga 40). The first step in the process involves identifying candidates from Universities and also conducting preliminary interviews. The post to be filled in this instance is that of associate and is overseen by the company’s director of recruitment Chip Rae. The company makes the decision with regard to the number of associates needed during winter through the spring of each year so that the positions can be filled by the coming summer. One way that it does is through internal promotions (of interns) and the other is through campus recruitments. The former practice does not require an elaborate selection process and hence the company focuses its recruitment skill on the latter process. The focus is on what the company calls ‘core business schools’, selected on the basis of the quality of education provided. They include business schools such as NYU,&nbsp.Chicago, Columbia, Notre Dame, and Cornell School. The company does not restrict itself to the core schools and also accepts and employs applicants from other campuses if found suitable. A process of informational interviews (informal) during the year as a preliminary to the formal recruitment plan is also conducted by mangers.&nbsp.

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