Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. designing a grounded embodied mental model learning environment Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. designing a grounded embodied mental model learning environment Thank you in advance for the help! The paper contains answers to a number of questions in which the Grounded Embodied Mental model learning environment has been investigated. The topic chosen for the design of the learning environment is the mathematical branch called arithmetic. It was found that the GEMM learning environment can be very appropriate in helping the student to master the simple arithmetic procedures. Arithmetic involves counting and adding up of things as it happens to be applicable in many spheres of life. It is the oldest branch in mathematics. The grounded embodied learning environment is one that provides the student with the right objects to apply the lessons they learn. It should allow them to have physical manipulation of these objects as well as the use of gestures in learning. The content of learning gets meaning from the use of these physical objects. It is no longer based on concept visualization without seeing or handling anything. Gestures have a role they play in changing the knowledge of the child. This happens directly on the cognitive state of the child or indirectly by affecting the child’s communicative environment. Agents are also important in learning because they make the lesson more realistic. Examples include robots and video games which make learning more interesting and easy to master. Students are motivated by the GEMM since it is a more interesting way of learning that reduces boredom. Using gestures and manipulating physical objects in the learning environment is very entertaining and can increase motivation.

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