Article Writing Homework Help

Write 3 pages with APA style on Firm Creation. I was also responsible in finding and assembling the present team who like me are averse to working under others. I will be an active partner who will be

Write 3 pages with APA style on Firm Creation. I was also responsible in finding and assembling the present team who like me are averse to working under others. I will be an active partner who will be responsible for marketing and sales of our skills.

Brian: Brian will be the core person in the team since he is the only one at present with the technical qualification needed in our business. He is certified by the Professional Aviation Maintenance Association (PAMA) in non-destructive testing of airframes. He is also a qualified Six Sigma specialist in addition to taking a four year course at a business school and two year course in mechanical engineering. He is a willing team player, is very organized and willing to innovate and improve processes. He is also familiar with CAD and other basic computer applications.

Shelley: In terms of qualification, Shelley is the odd person out in our team. She is a qualified medical assistant but is willing to take the administrative responsibilities of our firm. She is also a team player and is motivated enough to take on responsibilities. She has basic computer skill and working knowledge certain MS Office applications.

Nikki: Nikki is a born leader and will act as the managing partner of our firm.

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