Article Writing Homework Help

Serving in the military comes with a great deal of stress and crisis. It can range from combat duty to multiple deployments, concerns about family, and physical health to name a few. There is a stark

Serving in the military comes with a great deal of stress and crisis. It can range from combat duty to multiple deployments, concerns about family, and physical health to name a few.

There is a stark reality with military service and veterans that suicide and suicidal ideations occur and have increased since 2006. What are the contributing factors of this increase in completed suicides and suicidal ideations? Are veterans more likely to hurt themselves than active duty personnel? For this Discussion, review this week’s resources and consider how helping professionals, military installations, the Department of Defense, or community outreach programs might help to change negative perceptions about suicide.

Post one risk factor that contributes to suicide risk for active duty military personnel and veterans. Include whether you think active military or veterans are at a higher risk for suicide and why. Explain how helping professionals, military commands, or the Department of Defense can change the negative perceptions of military and veterans seeking help for suicide risk. Finally, explain one prevention method you might develop to increase awareness about active military or veteran suicide risk and explain why this might be effective. Select one scholarly article to support your response.

Provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.

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