Article Writing Homework Help

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on full internal and external environmental analysis of morrisons Paper must be at least 4500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on full internal and external environmental analysis of morrisons Paper must be at least 4500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! It also offers British and continental foods and light snacks. It offers a wine bar filled with assorted fine and traditional wines, spirits and ales. It has a fruit and vegetable section. It also has a fresh flower section consisting of different flowers, shrubs and plants. Morrison runs a complete array of pharmacy products and services which provide private consulting. It has a complete set of over-the counter medicines, and a prescription collection system. The company also offers services such as petrol filling stations, dry cleaning and photo processing services. This supermarket chain has branches in Britain, Wales and Scotland. Morrison has its in-store label products which consists of “The Best” a brand which covers a range of meals made from the finest ingredients. It also has the Eat Smart a brand which refers to specific calorie, fat, sugar and salt controlled meals. It carries the “Betta Buy”, a brand which pertains to a select group of food and home products at low prices. Morrison’s “Organic” is a brand which caters to organic products. It has “At Home” brand which refers to quality home and accessory products. The “First Home” brand pertains to affordable home essentials products. Its brand “Complexions” covers cosmetics and make-up products and accessories.

In Britain, the supermarkets are defined as stores with at least 2,000 square feet having three or more checkout counters. These modern supermarkets stock merchandise comprising of food groups and regular household items. (Curth, et. al., 2002).

The Stakeholder’s Analysis is applied to the William Morrison Plc group. This analysis helps organizations focus on important areas of the business. (Learned,, 1969) The project has several stakeholders. The first group of stakeholders is the consumers consisting of the family households such as the parents, children and other family members.

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