English Homework Help

Use the following question to write a 3-5 page essay (page count is excluding title page and reference list). Use APA format. Define the Behavioral School of Thought as this applies to teaching and l

Use the following question to write a 3-5 page essay (page count is excluding title page and reference list).  Use APA format.

Define the Behavioral School of Thought as this applies to teaching and learning. Construct classroom applications of this theory and, based on research, evaluate the use of Behaviorist Theory to create an educational environment that is conducive to learning. 

Week 1  rubric

In addition to an introduction and conclusion, the content of your analysis should include the three parts.

Classical conditioning: Define this, name and describe its major theorist, and give a specific example of how an educator or allied health professional would apply it in a teaching and learning situation.

Operant conditioning: Define this, and describe BF Skinner’s operant conditioning  research study  and give an example of how an educator or allied health professional would apply operant conditioning  with the same group of learners selected for item one (Use to illustrate your example the same group of learners described in your classical conditioning example, item one above)

Social learning theory: Define this, explain Albert Bandura’s theory and give a specific application of how an educator or allied health professional would apply social learning theory to evoke changes in behavior resulting in learning.

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