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Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses reality television: oxymoron by george f. will.

Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses reality television: oxymoron by george f. will. TV shows are conveying nasty messages to children, inculcating aggression, belligerence, thereby dehumanizing people and not allowing them to express emotions. I could understand this because of my personal experience, I grew up playing and not watching TV, on the contrary, a vast difference in nature could be observed in my cousin who grew up watching TV for prolonged periods. Essentially, wisdom is required to discriminate between good and bad. I grew up in a large family instead of turning to TV, I easily entertained myself as I had the company of my sisters. On the contrary, my younger cousin was a TV addict at the age of 11 years. He used to enjoy watching TV shows such as family guy, American dad, and the Simpsons. These shows imposed a detrimental effect on my cousin’s views on life, and his sense of feeling, exposure to violence which was displayed in his language and mannerism. At such a young age he made use of bad words and used to degrade himself to procure what he wants. At times, his younger sister would tell him to do stupid and inappropriate things with a reward of candy. This is similar to the Wills view about the stupid acts that children or adults mimic after watching the TV shows and seek appreciation of others. Kids today are growing up watching these TV shows, and learning how to present themselves in life from the actions televised. On an average children are watching a total of 25 hours of television weekly. “The Media in the Home survey found that 28 percent of all children show contained four or more incidents of violence per show a number that media experts consider high” (“Television’s effects on kids: It can be harmful”). Exposed to violence at such a young age not only affects children now but also as they grow and develop into adults. I agree with Will when he says, “America, Determined to amuse itself into inanition, is becoming increasingly desensitized”, people are laughing at things that would normally be depressing. I remember when my cousins once came over they said nasty and terrible things to each other, offending the other person. Rather than protecting the individual suffering, they laughed about it because that is what TV does. On television, calling someone fat and stupid is something we laugh about, but in reality, these actions hurt the individual’s feelings. So, in real life when children bully, the crowd around them or “audience” would laugh. Reality-TV shows are displaying bullying on TV and assume that it is permissible. Fox pays Gordon Ramsey millions to bully contestants on “Hells Kitchen”. Americans are following these forms of bullying without even realizing them. Such actions not only impede cognitive development of the individual but also hampers the psychology. With repeated incidents of such acts, an individual who is being harassed starts developing hatred towards others and in due course of time, they develop hostility against the people who are constantly bullying him/ her and eventually for the whole society. Such actions germinate the seeds of anti-social behavior.&nbsp.Hence, what started with a gag or laugh culminated into rebellious conduct.

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