Article Writing Homework Help

I need some assistance with these assignment. understanding the principles of professional development Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. understanding the principles of professional development Thank you in advance for the help! More so, updating knowledge and practices leads to developing new skills, which I can use to complete the assigned duty. It also gives room for progress and higher achievements within the given career. Individuals who continuously improve their knowledge and practices have higher chances of achievement compared to those who rarely improve their skills. Therefore, I plan to enjoy the benefits of improved knowledge and skills, as it will help me improve on what I do.

Additionally, it helps me to improve my role as a manager. It ensures that I am effective in carrying out the role I am assigned. It also increases my employability and progress for promotion since I am a junior manager. This may is applicable in my case because I aspire to move to other higher positions.

One of the barriers to my professional development is fear. Sometimes I &nbsp.feel I will be mocked. These make me relent in my decisions to promote professional developments. Sometimes I become afraid of change, as this will make me change the perception I give and my relation to people in society. More so, the biggest fear emanates from the fear of failing. I like to affiliate with success, making me afraid of trying if it may lead to failures. This makes me refrain since I believe that I cannot fail if I do not try.

Secondly, lack of discipline and laziness is a barrier to personal growth and development. Individuals need to work hard for their own change. Change is because of the individual’s development and growth, which is also a key goal. However, lazy individuals do not pursue long-term goals as they give up on the process. They may see the change as not worth the struggle hence giving up. Similarly, lack of discipline, which leads one to engage in vices that demote personal development and growth. Individuals who are undisciplined tend to associate with activities, acting in the opposite of self-improvement and this bars them from growing and self-development.



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