Article Writing Homework Help

Assignment Content Well-written project documentation clarifies intent, documents decisions and results, and allows project managers to assess project progress (and report it, as necessary, to projec

Assignment Content Well-written project documentation clarifies intent, documents decisions and results, and allows project managers to assess project progress (and report it, as necessary, to project stakeholders) at every step of the project lifecycle.For this assignment, you will create two examples of project documentation that align with the Project Plan Draft assignment you completed in Week 1. The documentation you will create for this assignment aligns with the initiation and planning phases of a project.If you chose the waterfall methodology for your Week 1 Project Plan Draft assignment, create the following: A business requirements document, or BRD: Use theBusiness Requirements Templateas the basis for your BRD. A work breakdown schedule, or WBS: Use theWork Breakdown Structure (WBS) Exampledocument as the basis for your WBS. Alternatively, if you chose the Agile methodology for your Week 1 Project Plan Draft assignment, create the following: A product requirements document, or PRD: Read “Product Requirements Documents, Downsized” for assistance in creating this document. User stories/scenarios and acceptance criteria: Review “Agile Requirements Snail: Feature to User Story to Scenario” for help in creating this document. Then use theScenariosandCOStabs located inUser Scenarios And Acceptance Criteria Exampleas the basis for your user stories/scenarios and acceptance criteria. Submityour completed BRD and WBS, or your completed PRD and user stories/scenarios with acceptance criteria.

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