Article Writing Homework Help

WEB EXERCISE 7 Evaluation of Broadcast and Print Media Focus: Chapters 11 & 12 Discussion Questions 1. Discuss the advantages and limitations of television as an advertising medium. 2. Discuss how rad


Evaluation of Broadcast and Print Media

Focus: Chapters 11 & 12

Discussion Questions

1. Discuss the advantages and limitations of television as an advertising medium.

2. Discuss how radio stations, as well as advertisers, can deal with the clutter problem on radio and

draw attention to their commercials. Provide an example of an advertiser who might be able to benefit

from the contextual programming service offered by Clear Channel.

3. More magazines and newspaper publishers are now making their publications available online.

Discuss how the availability of online magazines and newspapers is impacting the traditional print

versions. How can publishers use online magazines and newspapers to attract more advertising
