English Homework Help

Each chapter in your textbook includes a section called “Voices of Freedom” which is a sample of 1-2 primary documents related to the subject matter. For this assignment, you will choose one of these

Each chapter in your textbook includes a section called “Voices of Freedom” which is a sample of 1-2 primary documents related to the subject matter. For this assignment, you will choose one of these documents from the chapters included in the reflection as your focus.

Please note: Part 1 and 2 are 2 different papers

PART 1. Depression and Wars (Chapters 20-23)

(Reflection #1, you will select one document total from chapters 20-23)

PART 2. What Kind of Nation? (Chapters 24-28)

(Reflection #2, you will select one document total from chapters 20-23)

The textbook: Give Me Liberty! An American History, Volume 2 by Eric Foner.

Once you have selected your document, read over it carefully, and write a reflection response that consists of the following (each paragraph should be 150-200 words)

Paragraph 1 – Introduce the primary document including the basic information (date, author, position) and the historical timeframe or context for the purpose behind the document.

Paragraph 2 – Describe how this document is a valuable source of information for this subject in history. What was life like during this time period and why? Include at least one question or issue that can still be debated on this topic in history.

Paragraph 3 – Provide your own opinion or thoughts on whether you agree, disagree, or any other reflections you have after reading the document. Try to include examples of things you learned in your reading or other assignments that led you to your opinion. There is no right or wrong answer here, just show that you have given the subject some thought. Please place a heading with the document title at the top of your response.

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