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Respond to this. 250 words. Apa cites 2. No older than 4 years old. A well-constructed rubric can be used as a measurement of teacher self- assessment because the teacher must be instructing the

Respond to this.  250 words. Apa cites 2. No older than 4 years old.  

  A well-constructed rubric can be used as a measurement of teacher self- assessment because the teacher must be instructing the criteria or characteristics found in the rubric. The teacher is the one utilizing the rubric as a grading instrument so she or he is very familiar with its steps and criteria. In knowing that the evaluation is developed at the beginning of an activity that has been established, the teacher also knows what should be taught, when it should be taught, and approximately how much time to devote to it. As the rubric shows progress, data can be linked to daily instruction, but more specifically the data generated by the use of rubrics can help the teacher make daily instructional decisions. A rubric is any set of criteria that describe the varying degrees of excellence or levels of development in an activity, process, or product.  Rubrics can help measure student performances beyond the data that can be collected by standardized, high-stakes tests. Good rubrics are simple to design when the criteria or characteristics are in place and rubrics measure teaching by helping the teacher to focus instruction on specific elements or characteristics. 


Allen, D. & Tanner, K. (Fall 2006). Rubrics: Tools for making learning goals and evaluation criteria explicit for both teachers and learners. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 5, 197–203. Retrieved from: http://www.sfsu.edu/~sepal/publications/cbe5(3)_197.pdf

Intel Corporation. (2014). Demonstrating understanding: Rubrics and scoring guides. Intel Teach Program, Assessing Projects. Retrieved from: http://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/program/education/us/en/documents/assessing-projects/strategies/demonstrating-understanding-rubrics-scoring-guides.pdf

 Karkehabadi, S. (2013). Using rubrics to measure and enhance student performance. Spring 2013 Faculty Workshop Series Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment, Northern Virginia Community College. Retrieved from: http://www.nvcc.edu/assessment/_docs/FTW5.usingrubricsmeasurestuperf-spr13.pdf

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